Thursday, April 23, 2009

Dont you just love the vodafone commercials

I totally love it. The creatives are apparently by O&M.

Its just tooooo cute... and brings a smile to my face!!! I love the photostat one... i also love the beauty one.. actually i like the beauty one much better... even my mom likes it... its cute beyond words.. the way they have built the characters.. faceless yet everyone can make out their personality.. assign a character to each of those things!!! That beauty ad is way too good!!! How that baby thing first sees the one with cotton on eyes and runs away screaming.. gets the elder bro to see it..runs away screaming again.. gets the eldest sis to see it.. and this time the tiny one just peeps into the room, doesnt even venture in.. and they all run away screaming!!!! Its so sweet!!!

I like the new shower one too!!! :) Adorable it is


Scarlett said...

They are totally cute! I laugh everytime I watch them. I love the photocopy & shower ones more though even the beauty alerts one is good.

Moonshine said...

I love all the 3!!!!

Scarlett said...

And there's a new one - Star of the Match. You have to see the two guys in the background. They look so sad that you want to go & hug them :))

Moonshine said...

Read this article today which mentions that these thingies are not animation.. these are actual people!!!!!!!

Scarlett said...

That's mindblowingly cool.